Thursday, September 18, 2008

PD Editorial: Creating a Splendid World for Everyone

People's Daily, the leading newspaper in China and the voice of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, carries an editorial on Thursday, September 18, to hail the successful close of the Beijing 2008 Paralympics, which is titled "Creating a Splendid World for Everyone". Its full text is read as follows:

The 12-day Beijing 2008 Paralympics came to a successful conclusion at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the National Stadium, or the Bird's Nest, in north Beijing amid a splendid fireworks gala overhead with a riot of colors and to the accompaniment of joyous singing and dancing in the stadium.

For the past dozen days, more than 4,000 Paralympic athletes from 147 countries and regions have presented to the world a vivid, grand sport event with superb competing abilities and a staunch, indomitable will. Marvelous scenes shown in the Beijing Paralympic Games have carried forward the Olympic spirit as they annotate the Games theme of "One World, One Dream', spread the concepts of "Transcendence, Integration and Equality" and display the tenacious and dauntless spiritual force of humanity.

The outgoing Paralympic Games represents another magnificent event Beijing has hosted in the wake of the 2008 summer Olympics, and is bound to be recorded into the brilliant annals as the Paralympic Games with the most extensive scale, the highest sports attainments and the most outstanding organizing work.

Thanks to Paralympians from various countries, who have exerted themselves unceasingly and forged ahead boldly and heroically to become stronger. At the sight of blind athletes jumping to retrieve balls with the sense of touch or hearing, brain paralysis athletes doing weightlifting on the back, and amputees striding vigorously in false limbs, we truly and directly perceive through the scenes what is an unyielding resolve and what is tugging at people's heartstrings. Those special athletes, transcending their own limitations, have been competed to offer their very best amazingly despite barriers in themselves and with more strain and sweat than normal people and created so many stunning feats in the Games.

Their hard, strenuous endeavors and dedications have enabled us to see their indomitable quality with all courage despite a disability, their sanguine life full of sunshine and to see that they themselves, too, have a sound outlook on life and successful careers. So, people have exclaimed wholeheartedly that "the life is so beautiful and so splendid".

Thanks to all those who worked assiduously and made selfless contributions. People have come to realize penetratingly and profoundly the respect, value, attention and good care of the International Paralymics Committee and the host in particular for Palalympians, from the grand, splendid opening and closing ceremonies, which are truly fabulous and grandiose as if created in a fantastic dream, a barrier-free environment for Paralympians in the Paralympic village and all sport arenas, the work of organizing varied game events with high standards, high efficiency and flying colors, easy accesses provided for Paralymic athletes, the service with hearty smiles offered to them by countless volunteers, and acclamations of cheering crowds from viewing stands.

Special attention the host nation has attached to Paralympians from around the world in all links shows that the Chinese government has paid particularly meticulous care and input much more in the Paralympics with the high-standard courtesy, and thus truly pursued the goal of "Two Games with Equal Splendor", note by overseas press media comments.

Thanks to the IPC, as it has led people in China and the world at large to turn their affectionate eyesight increasingly to the disabled people. Progress in history has often been linked with some great events. The Beijing Paralympics, though merely a sports event in the twinkling of an eye, has gone through the baptism of the mind and is therefore the distillation of ideology. The disabled people globally pose an immense disadvantageous group that cannot be neglected, as indicated by the Beijing 2008 Paralympics. And the governments of all nations and healthy people worldwide are entitled or duty-bound to help the disavantaged tide over difficulties which are hard for themselves to avert in such fields as in their daily life, medical and health work, education and employment, and their involvement in society. So, it is imperative to further examine and keep improving their social security system, respect and protect their rights and interests, attach greater importance and render more support to the development of their cause.

With a population of more than 80 million disabled people, China has taken the cause of the disabled as an important component part of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the launch of its reform and opening-up three decades ago, the Chinese government has taken a series of vital measures to ensure the rights and interests of those disabled people and accelerated their cause. As a result, the environment and conditions for the disabled to partake in social life have improved noticeably and remarkably with a steady rise in their livelihoods and quality of life.

Beijing Paralympics is a crucial, vital pivot, as it is sure to inspire more and more people in caring for the disadvantagous handicapped people; Beijing Paralympics is a new starting point, as it bound to spur the continuous advancement of the cause for the disabled people.

The Paralympic holy flame, lit with passion, went out slowly on Wednesday evening. The Paralympic Games of short duration, however, has so many reminiscences to recall, so many moving stories to keep in mind and so much affection and friendship indelibly printed on memory. Let us join hands and act in concert to create a harmonious society, in which both the able-bodied and disabled people help one another and build a society shard by all and a splendid world for every one.

By People's Daily Online

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